General Information

pin1 Duke St Campsie 2194

phone-icon(02) 97895414  phone-icon(02) 97895700 Fax (02) 97071555


Information on your upcoming operation

You and Dr Kuo have agreed that your condition may benefit from surgical treatment. You should not eat or drink anything (including water) for at least 6 hours prior to your operation. If surgery is scheduled in the morning, fasting should commence after midnight. If surgery is planned for the afternoon, you must not eat or drink anything after 7am. A light breakfast such as tea and toast is permissible prior to this. Your normal morning medications may be taken with a small sip of water.

It is important that you inform Dr Kuo if you are taking aspirin, anticoagulant or anti inflammatory drugs. In general, these drugs may cause excessive bleeding and need to be ceased a week prior to surgery.

Please bring your admission papers and relevant investigations such as X-rays, CT or MRI scans with you to the hospital. Bring also a complete list of your routine medications including doses and times and any equipment (eg crutches, walking frame etc) ordered for you by your doctor.

The order of the operation list is determined partly by the Anaesthetist and based on medical need. It is vital that all patients are seen by the Anaesthetist prior to the commencement of surgery. Some procedures are complex and lengthy and it is inevitable that this may result in delays for some patients. Your understanding and patience is appreciated should this occur.

Have someone available to take you home - you will not be able to drive for at least 24 hours because of the anaesthetic. If you had surgery on an extremity (arm, hand, leg, knee, foot), keep that extremity elevated and use ice as directed. This will help decrease swelling and pain. .Take your pain medicine as directed. Begin this as you start getting uncomfortable. Do not wait until you are in severe pain. If you wait until the pain is severe to take your pain medication you will have more difficulty controlling the pain.

If not prearranged, you should contact Dr Kuo’s Rooms soon after discharge to make a follow up appointment.

If you are unclear about any of the above instructions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr Kuo’s rooms. If you have an urgent problem out of office hours, please contact the hospital.

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lk-imageDr. Leonard kuo
(MBBS Syd Univ)
(FRACS Orth)

Dr Leonard Kuo has been in private Orthopaedic practice since 1995 and specialises in surgery of the hip, knee and shoulder. His particular interests are joint replacement arthroscopic treatment of rotator cuff tears, shoulder instability and sports knee injuries. He provides a general paediatric orthopaedic service with subspecialty care in congenital limb deficiencies.